Sunday, August 4, 2013

Getting REALLY Close!

A busy week!  Rebecca and Karen, two of my new first grade teaching colleagues came up with the fun idea of doing our teaching supplies shopping together.  We took a day to travel around to local garage sales and some of our favorite supplies stores.  I learned of a great one in Lynnwood, WA called "Children's Bookshop".  Karen also knew of some great catalogs and websites.  I did some browsing of and could spends hundreds of dollars there if left to my own devices.  I also got a great deal on a bookcase for the classroom at one of the garage sales-- $10!!!

So, the classroom set-up is almost done!  So, so close!  As many of you know I have been putting in an hour or two on my free days all summer to get things ready.  All the big projects are done as of today and now it is just this week of getting some of the classroom details finished up.  My lovely husband came in this weekend to help me with mounting the last of my shelving and getting the final furniture in place.  My first classroom volunteer in my new room!!!

Here are some photos of Matt hard at work and a couple classroom photos.  Can't wait to dig into the curriculum after this week and share some of the cool stuff we will be learning in first grade this year!

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