Thursday, July 11, 2013

Starting to Look Like a Classroom!!!

I am so stinkin' exhausted!  I worked my tail off today, my biggest accomplishment being that I have all of the bulletin boards ready to go.  Now to just get the rest of the classroom cleared out and organized so I can get kids in there to teach.  Let's fill those bulletin boards with some cool anchor charts of things we are learning!  Getting excited and nervous for September!

As you can see I am trying something new.  I have organized the bulletin boards by subject matter.  I have seen some teachers in intermediate grades try this and have a lot of success so I am giving it a whirl.  I will let you all know how it goes!

Next big undertaking is labeling all of the books and the book bins accordingly.  That may have to wait until I return from Kauai though...unless I am feeling REALLY motivated tomorrow by some miracle!

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