Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Goodbye Kindergarten and Hello First Grade!

Well, talk about bittersweet!  Today is my last day in kindergarten.  It is also my last day at Canyon Creek Elementary, the school I started teaching public school in five years ago.  I am all packed up and ready to go, but there have been MANY emotions this last week.  Excited to try out a new school and new grade-level.  Sad to be leaving the comfort of my school and colleagues.  Heart-broken to be leaving kindergarten.  Nervous about trying something new!  Hopeful that first grade and the PACE program will be a good fit for me.  LOTS of emotions.  Cried a little, but luckily I have been so busy with the end of the year there have not been too many tears!  In any case, from here on out I will be posting about first, first, first!  It is my big goal this year to really get this blog going!  Wish me luck!!!

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