Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Busy Start to Summer!

Well my friends, I have the very opposite problem that I had in my first public school job five years ago.  Back then I was coming into truly an empty classroom.  In fact, since I was hired just a day or so before the school year started I taught my first week or so with significantly fewer desks than students and not a single book in the classroom!  This time around however, there is entirely too much!  Perhaps I am more minimalist than I would like to admit, but I was extremely tempted to toss everything out and start the year with nothing like the good old days!  But none the less, the last teachers in the classroom did leave some really nice things and so I am starting the process of going through and determining what fits with my "vision" and teaching style and what does not.  The silver lining is that this will probably keep me busy most of the summer and out of trouble!!!

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