Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Teacher's College @ Columbia University

I was fortunate enough to attend the Summer Institute for Writing Workshop hosted by Lucy Calkins and the other member of the the Reading and Writing Project.  For those who may not be familiar, this is a professional development opportunity offered yearly (or more) through the Teacher's College at Columbia University.  Wow, wow, wow!  That is all I have to say.  So much information, so many good ideas.  I am pumped about writing instruction this year (I NEVER thought I would say that in my lifetime by the way)!  I am still processing so much and I am sure I will have more to say and more resources to share as I work through all of this intense learning and the immensity of this incredible experience.  Here is a little photo collage with a few pictures taken during the week and the information for the Reading and Writing Project and their PD offerings.  More to come I am sure!


The Reading and Writing Project:  This link has reading and writing resources, assessments, and instructional ideas that are founded in solid research.  An absolute plethora of info and teaching "stuff" for literacy specifically.

Teacher's College and the Summer Institute with Lucy Calkins:  This link will give you more information on the institute I attended as well as the reading institute that is also offered.  There are LOTS of other workshops and institutes as well, so make sure to explore a little.

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